About Donate Your Colours

What is Donate Dour Colours?

It is an information and donation campaign. It encourages passionate football fans to make their mind about the need for blood donations in the United Kingdom.

The goal of the campaign is to inform as many football fans as possible and make them giving their blood on the donation days that are promoted by their football club.


Why Donate Your Colours?

Fans that want to donate their blood wear the football shirt of their favourite club to show their support.

While they are giving their blood they are taking also a selfie to keep records of their donations, in this way they not only donate blood but also the colours of their team.

These photos are uploaded to the Donate Your Colours Gallery and Facebook-Page to honour the support of the donating fans.


The reason to take part

Blood donations are an essential part of the healthcare system. Without giving blood, many medical procedures that are taken for granted could not take place.

Being part of this campaign also shows that there is something beyond the sport itself; it proves the charity of the club and the loyalty and helpfulness of its fans.